Mr. Malik is in love with widow Rose Mbikwa and plans to ask her to the Nairobi Hunt Club Ball. His plans are stymied when his school days nemesis Harry Khan returns to town and announces his plans to woo Rose. Harry and Mr. Malik stage a friendly bird-watching competition to determine who gets to ask Rose to the ball. While the plot sounds simple enough, the engaging characters, charming dialog and glimpses into Kenyan wildlife and politics weave a rich African tapestry.
I chose this title for my book club to read and we really enjoyed it. Comparisons to Alexander McCall Smith are inevitable, but I like both Drayson and Smith equally well. Drayson's portrayals of Africa are a little more realistic than Smith's touching on crime, AIDS and poverty more overtly. Drayson uses the unique device of an anonymous narrator who offers humorous asides and directly addresses the reader. And while the plot is not the most complex, there is a revealing of character and layered nuance that hallmarks the literary fiction genre.
The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith is the first in a series that introduces the iconic, "traditionally-built" Mma Ramotswe. Smith offers an evocative African setting with charming and elegant prose.
A Rant of Ravens by Christine Goff (#1, Birdwatcher's Mystery series)
Readers enjoying the birding aspect of Guide will enjoy this series which features amateur sleuth and birdwatcher Lark Drummond.
Birds of East Africa (Collins Field Guides) by J.G. Williams
This specific guidebook is the namesake for Drayson's novel. Having an actual guide book at elbow would add to readers' enjoyment of Mr. Malik's and Khan's exploits.
Kenya - Culture Smart: A Quick Guide to Customs and Etiquette by Jane Barsby
If readers are interested in booking a birdwatching expedition, they won't want to forget to pack their Kenyan etiquette guide. They could end up in jail like Khan's two Australians!
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