Henry a librarian and Clare an artist live in Chicago like a normal married couple, but Henry harbors a terrible secret. He suffers from Chrono-Displacement disorder which causes him to time travel at random moments. With absolutely no control over his condition, Henry is dropped naked anywhere within his past or those of his loved ones. This inventive novel has Henry meeting his wife when she is six and himself when he needs his own assistance. Sound confusing? The narration also switches viewpoints between Clare and Henry. My head sometimes hurt trying to wrap my brain around the ramifications of the words on the page!
Beyond a bizarre story, however, this is a tale of the anchoring love of Clare for Henry and her willingness to care for him despite the incredible upheaval in their lives. It is about the bravery of Henry facing the travails of his incurable disorder and attempting to lead a "normal" life. In some ways the book has all the of a typical romance novel. A couple meets, falls in love, marries, has a family. Of course, here the plot line is twisted and tied in knots and unraveling it is half the fun.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
In this, the ultimate time traveler series, Claire Randall moves between a husband in 1945 and a lover in 1743 Scotland.
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
Fans of the time travel motif will enjoy this classic of the genre.
Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel by Michio Kaku
Looking to do a little time travel? See what scientists have to say about the possibilities.
Masterpieces of Chicago Architecture by John Zukowsky and Martha Thorne
Readers who enjoyed the Chicago setting or who want to see what the Newbery Library looks like will enjoy this pictorial work.
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